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The following is a statement from West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue regarding the jury verdict in the case of Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship:

“For far too long, West Virginia workers have suffered at the hands of careless employers who are more concerned about making money than they are about the safety and well being of their employees. Don Blankenship’s conviction of conspiring to violate mine safety regulations sends a powerful message to corporate CEOs that they will be held accountable for their actions.”


During a presentation today by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s office honoring Kids’ Chance of West Virginia for providing scholarships to children of West Virginia parents who have suffered a serious workplace injury or death, West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue will attend and present a $15,000 donation to the nonprofit organization.

What:  Ceremony Honoring Kids’ Chance of West Virginia, Check Presentation

When:  3:30 pm, Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Where: Governor’s Press Conference Room, WV Secretary of State’s Office

NITRO, West Virginia (October 3, 2015) — Members of the United Steelworkers (USW) Union, Local 14614-F8, voted again on Friday, Oct. 3, 2015 to authorize a strike against Mardi Gras Casino and Resort, after rejecting the Company’s modified Last, Best,and Final offer during an insurance re-opener. The members had rejected the Company’s previous proposal twice before.

The parties have been engaged in insurance negotiations since the first week of August. The Company’s previous offer included language that would eliminate the Union’s ability to bargain over future insurance changes and costs to the employees. After last week’s vote to reject the proposal and authorize a strike, the parties agreed to meet to continue negotiations. At that time, The Company modified their Last, Best, and Final offer. The company’s modified proposal addressed the Union’s concerns over the language, however, the Company did not change their proposed premium cost sharing amounts. The company’s proposal will increase the premium cost sharing from a 90/10% split to a 75/25% split. This will amount to an increase of over $1,100/year from what the employees currently pay.

NITRO – The United Steelworkers (USW) Union, Local 14614-F8, will vote Friday, Oct. 2, on whether or not to accept Mardi Gras Casino and Resort’s most recent final offer regarding employee insurance.

“Contrary to recent reports, an agreement has not yet been reached,” Steelworkers Spokesman Ron Brady, Local 14614-F8 president, said. “Mardi Gras Casino and Resort told us Tuesday that they had modified their offer, and now our members will vote Friday on whether or not to accept that offer.”

The parties have been engaged in insurance negotiations since the first week of August. 

“While one of our concerns has been addressed in their modified offer, our employees are still facing rising premiums,” Brady noted. “The Company is seeking to drastically increase the employee’s premium contribution by over 200%, which amounts to over $1,100 per year, while the employees there haven’t had a pay raise in over three years.”

After the union voted Friday, Sept. 25, to authorize a strike, the Company offered to address the union’s concerns over their proposed language that restricted the union’s ability to bargain insurance benefits. However the Company did not change their proposed premium cost sharing amounts.

“The Union had offered to share the premium increase 50/50 with the Company, but the Company rejected the offer,” Brady said. “The Company has stated that they can afford the increases, however, they are unwilling to do so.”

Brady added, “Mardi Gras Vice President Dan Adkins recently stated that ‘some employees make 50, 60, and 70 thousand dollars a year,’ but actually less than 10% of union employees at Mardi Gras make more than $50,000 a year. The average annual income for employees is approximately $35,000 a year and this amount is inclusive of tips.”

NITRO, West Virginia (September 25, 2015) — Members of the United Steelworkers (USW) Union, Local 14614-F8, voted Friday, September 25, 2015 to authorize a strike against Mardi Gras Casino and Resort, after rejecting the Company’s Last, Best, and Final offer during an insurance re-opener.

The parties have been engaged in insurance negotiations since the first week of August. The Company is seeking to drastically increase the employee’s premium contribution by over 200% and eliminate the Union’s ability to bargain over future insurance changes and costs to the employees.

The Union has offered to share the premium increase 50/50 with the Company, but the Company rejected the offer. The Company has stated that they can afford the increases, however, they are unwilling to do so.

Local Union President, Ron Brady, will be available on Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in person at the local union hall located at 510 Main Avenue, Nitro, WV or by phone to answer any questions you may have.

USW Local 14614-F8 represents approximately 350 members employed at Mardi Gras Casino and Resort.