Press Release Archives

CHARLESTON -- Representatives of the West Virginia AFL-CIO and its affiliates gathered today at the State Capitol to call for a stop to the attack on working West Virginians and their families.

“I’ve been told many times this week that this has been the largest public turnout in the Statehouse halls in recent memory, and that’s because these working men and women realize how this legislative attack will hurt West Virginia families,” WV AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue said. “We’re working hard to help legislators and members of the public understand that.”

Of primary concern to the group are three pieces of legislation:

  • Senate Bill 337 would enact a so-called “Right to Work” measure

“What some are calling ‘Right to Work’ or ‘Workplace Freedom’ is a proposed law that actually ties the hands of employers by taking away some of their rights and options in dealing with their employees,” Perdue said. “This legislation is often promoted as pro-business, when instead it restricts the options available to businesses, and infringes on voluntary negotiations between private employers and employees.”

  • Senate Bill 361 would repeal the state Prevailing Wage

“The prevailing wage is good for local businesses and contractors, good for workers and encourages skills and training, the result being cost-effective, quality public projects,” West Virginia State Building Trades Director Steve White said. “A repeal of this would be disastrous: hurt local contractors, lead to wage cuts, fewer training opportunities, less people who have benefits, and more accidents on job – all that for no savings of taxpayer funds.”

  • Senate Bill 14 and House Bill 2014 to establish Charter Schools

“This legislation contemplates creating a whole new system of schools despite the fact there is no public outcry for charter schools in West Virginia, and no evidence that academic achievement in charter schools exceeds that in regular public schools,” said Christine Campbell, President of the American Federation of Teachers-West Virginia. “Charter schools in other states are being criticized for financial mismanagement, lack of accountability and the failure to demonstrate academic improvement. Why is there such a push to enact charter schools when West Virginia already has in place laws to encourage innovation and mentoring within our existing school system?”
“We applaud legislators for examining every possible method to boost West Virginia’s economy and educational system, but each of us who spoke today – representing tens of thousands of West Virginians – truly believe these bills of concern would serve only to set our state’s economy back,” President Perdue said. “We urge legislators to focus their valuable time and energy on measures that will help West Virginia’s employers, employees and students succeed.”
*Attached are President Perdue’s remarks regarding Right to Work.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Today, West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue released the following statement in regards to the death of Marshall University President Stephen Kopp:

“With the passing of President Kopp, Marshall University lost one of the most dedicated Presidents and public servants in the history of the school.  Since his first day on campus in Huntington, Dr. Kopp proved to be a true friend of labor and working families, and for that I am grateful.  Dr. Kopp was an academic leader and a true leader in West Virginia. Today I, along with all of the West Virginia AFL-CIO, send my condolences to Dr. Kopp’s wife Jane, his children Adam and Liz, Marshall University, and the entire Huntington community. ” 

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Today, West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue released the following statement in regards to the indictment of former Massey CEO Don Blankenship:

“Over the years, Don Blankenship’s blatant disregard for mine safety and health laws resulted in the tragic and untimely deaths of 52 coal miners – including the 29 brave men who perished at the Upper Big Branch mine in April 2010.  Don Blankenship may have been a friend of coal – but he was certainly no friend of the coal miners who worked for his company.  Time and time again he chose maximizing profits over the health and well being of his employees - who are fathers, brothers, coaches, mentors, and friends across West Virginia. Yesterday’s indictment means we are one step closer to seeing justice served for the families who lost loved ones at Massey mines.”

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The West Virginia AFL-CIO along with the Southwestern District Labor Council, the Kanawha Valley Labor Council, the West Virginia Democratic Party, West Virginia Citizen Action Group, and other organizations will hold a push-back rally on Friday, September 26, 2014 to demonstrate to outsiders like Americans for Prosperity and the Koch Brothers that West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District is NOT FOR SALE.  The rally will be held outside the West VirginiaStateMedical Association, 4307 MacCorkle Avenue, SE Charleston, WV 25364. The Executive Director of the West Virginia Medical Association is Evan Jenkins, who is challenging Congressman Nick Joe Rahall in the 3rd Congressional District race in West Virginia.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Today, West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue released the following statement in honor of Labor Day 2014, before appearing at the Marmet Labor Day Parade and the 76th Annual UMWA Labor Day Celebration and picnic in Racine.

"Working men and women are the backbone of this country's economy. This Labor Day it is important that we take time to honor all those workers who fought for the rights and benefits we enjoy today. These rights weren't simply handed to West Virginia workers. They had to be fought for from the coal mines, to the steel mills, to construction sites all over West Virginia and this nation. As President of the West Virginia AFL-CIO, I have never been more proud to stand up for the working men and women of this great State."

Commemorating the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote and questioning Congresswoman Capito's commitment to West Virginia women

Charleston, W.Va. - Today, West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue will join the Alliance for Retired Americans, the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, West Virginia Citizen's Action Group, and other organizations to rally for Women's Equality Day and highlight Congresswoman Capito's votes against West Virginia women. The event will take place at 5:30 p.m. outside of Congresswoman Capito's Charleston office (4815 MacCorkle Avenue, SE). Kenny Perdue released the following statement: