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As West Virginians enjoy spending time with family and friends this Labor Day weekend, the West Virginia AFL-CIO also invites residents to attend one of the many parades and events honoring the achievements of America’s working people.

“This Labor Day, let’s celebrate our working families, who are pursuing the American Dream and working for a better life,” West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue said. “This also is a good time to reflect on how the labor movement has worked to ensure fair wages and benefits for so many in the middle class, both union and nonunion.”

Among the many events planned throughout the state, the West Virginia AFL-CIO, the West Virginia State Building Trades, AFT-WV and several local unions are sponsoring a Labor Day Weekend Celebration at Appalachian Power Park during the West Virginia Power vs. Greenville Drive game Saturday evening.

“This is a great opportunity to take a moment to consider what strengthens our families and communities, and what we all can do, through our own activities and our vote, to help people sustain a good living in this out-of-balance economy,” Perdue said.

CHARLESTON – Kanawha Circuit Judge Jennifer Bailey has scheduled a hearing Wednesday afternoon to consider requests from West Virginia AFL-CIO and several other unions representing West Virginia employees who are challenging the so-called “Right to Work” law.

West Virginia AFL-CIO and the 10 others that have filed suit have asked that the lawsuits be combined into one, and that Judge Bailey issue an injunction to prevent the legislation, which was adopted during the 2016 regular legislative session, from being enacted.

“In addition to simply being bad public policy, this ‘Right to Work’ law generally violates the West Virginia Constitution’s prohibition of taking property without due process and compensation,” WV AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue said.

Teamsters General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall, who is also President of Teamsters Local 175, will likely be called to testify during the hearing, which will take place at 2 p.m. in Judge Bailey’s courtroom at the Kanawha Circuit Court building, 111 Court St., Charleston, and will be available for reporter questions.

What: Hearing on lawsuits challenging Senate Bill 1, so-called “Right to Work.”

When: 2 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 10

Where: Judge Jennifer Bailey’s Courtroom, Kanawha Circuit Court Building, 111 Court St., Charleston

It goes without saying that West Virginia families have taken it on the chin with the recent flooding that has affected many parts of our great state.  Some of our union brothers and sisters have lost everything, including homes, property and sentimental memorabilia that can’t be replaced. About 50 union homes have been severely damaged or destroyed -- at least one member has died in the flooding.  Our thoughts and prayers are with them!  

As the affected families begin the process of trying to put their lives back together, we want to do everything we can to help them.  Although there are many ways to help and many organizations stepping up to the plate, we feel it is our duty to set up a dedicated fund for our brothers and sisters and their families in the labor movement. That is why we are asking for monetary contributions to a newly established, tax deductible fund, set up under the umbrella of the WV AFL-CIO, designed to provide assistance for those in our union family, as well as to the monumental effort by IBEW local 466 electricians to help restore power to homes in the Clendenin area.  

CHARLESTON – Members of the West Virginia AFL-CIO’s Committee on Political Education met Thursday in Charleston for a Special Convention and selected a variety of state and local candidates for endorsement in the 2016 general election.

“Our membership has chosen candidates who will support working families and will oppose the type of legislation the Republican legislative leadership has pursued that hurts working families and undermines the middle class – they would vote against legislation such as ‘Right to Work’ and repeal of Prevailing Wage,” West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue said. “All the candidates we’ve chosen, including Democrat candidate for Governor Jim Justice, want what’s best for all West Virginians, not just a select few wealthy special interests.”

The following is a statement from West Virginia AFL-CIO President Kenny Perdue regarding the 4th U.S. Circuit Court Appeals rejection of former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship’s request to delay his one-year prison sentence:

“The loved ones of the 29 men who died at Upper Big Branch have waited more than six years to see Don Blankenship held accountable for conspiring to violate mine safety standards in the name of profit. I am thankful that the court did not allow a delay of his sentence during what will likely be a lengthy appeal process, and I hope that these family members will find some measure of peace in knowing that Don Blankenship is finally in prison.”